Python programming courses for children

I offer weekly courses in programming for interested children. Topics: App programming in Python, Game programming with Godot.

During the school time i offer afternoon courses (2 hours each week) and during the vacations i offer intense morning courses each week: Monday until Friday, each day from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 a.m. Each intense course has a duration of 5 x 3 = 15 hours.

vacation - intense courses

  • Programming courses for children (10-18 years old), each week in July and August. Each course from Monday until Friday, from 9:00 A.M to 12:00 AM. Lesson in German or English
  • minimum age: 10 years old or equivalent of finished 4 years primary school ("Volksschulabschluß")
  • maximum age: 18 years old. (If you are older, please see courses for adults)
  • small groups, limited number of students
  • price: (€) 190,- Euro for 15 hours (if the course take place in my office in Vienna)
  • minimum amount: one week (5 x 3 = 15 hours)
  • possible time: only during school vacations, each week, always from Monday until Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 a.m.
  • free trial hour: Please contact me before the beginning of the school vacations to organise a date for a free (and not binding) trial hour.

  • Courses can be in my office in Vienna, Austria: Büro JENS, Brigittenauerlände 6, 1020 Wien, 1. Stock. see →contakt

weekly courses during the school year

  • minimum age: 10 years old or equivalent of finished 4 years primary school ("Volksschulabschluß")
  • maximum age: 18 years old
  • small groups, limited number of students
  • price: from € 120,- Euro per month per student (if courses take place at my office in Vienna, Austria).
    • minimum duration: 2 hours per week (en bloc)
  • starting point: You can start every time during the year

  • Courses can be in my office in Vienna, Austria: Büro JENS, Brigittenauerlände 6, 1020 Wien, 1. Stock. see →contakt

  • free trial hour: Please contact me before the beginning of the courseto organise a date for a free (and not binding) trial hour. See →contakt
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