Posts about britblog

teaching vpython to children

teaching a 15 hours course of python to 12-year-old children using vpython

Visiting Europython conference with a 2 year old child

Visiting Europython conference with a 2 year old child - what could possibly go wrong?

youtube video about creating slideshows with python, csv and reveal.js

Dennis G. D. made a nice screencast video about something we created together: a simple slide-generation script in python for reveal.js

beautiful interactive chart showing top programming languages 2021

IEE Spectrum has a neat blog article with an interactive chart about "top programming languages 2021" allowing the user to customize the weights online to calculate different rankings. To my delight, Python nearly always shows up on top.

concatenate images and bulk rename images using python, pillow and PySimpleGUI

Using python, the image library pillow and the power of PySimpleGUI, I created two useful tools: one to bulk rename image files according to their dimension, and one to concatenate images (with text). Both scripts can be executed in three ways: by right-clicking from the file-manager (using Ubuntu Linux), by passing command line arguments or standalone.

How to convert dokuwiki links into markdown using regex

using regular expression to convert an Dokuwiki hyperlink into markdown

How to config nikoa for multi-lingual websites

How to configure the nikola static site generator to create a multi-lingual homepage with blog

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